NEWS: USD 456 set to resume regular classes December 14th, athletic practices December 7th. Follow the link for details: https://www.mdcv.org/article/358998?org=mdcv

NEWS: USD 456 has received approval from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to offer COVID-19 testing in school. Follow the link for more details: https://www.mdcv.org/article/358816?org=mdcv

Having remote learning problems? Need technical support? Having connectivity issues? Unable to view assignments? We are here to help you! Be sure to contact us!

Need social/emotional assistance? We are here to help! Check out the attached flyer or call your student's school!
Elementary - 785-759-3512
JH/HS - 785-549-3313
District Office - 785-549-3521

Need academic assistance? We are here to help! Check out the attached flyer or call your student's school!
Elementary - 785-759-3512
JH/HS - 785-549-3313
District Office - 785-549-3521

Need technology assistance? We are here to help! Check out the attached flyer or call your student's school!
Elementary - 785-759-3512
JH/HS - 785-549-3313
District Office - 785-549-3521

Parents of JH/HS students - please use the following link to "sign" the Parent Assurances document required by KSDE for remote learning students: https://forms.gle/Fw8GTSdJP8TcfDBC9
Thank you for your assistance!

Parents of elementary students - please use the following link to "sign" the Parent Assurances document required by KSDE for remote learning students: https://forms.gle/qpKPFZVrwY87PBgx7
Thank you for your assistance!

NOTIFICATION: Drive-thru food service during remote learning will be served on Mondays and Thursdays, 11:30am-12:00pm, at both school buildings. Breakfasts and lunches for the subsequent days will be provided during those service days. All MDCV students are eligible for free meals. Be sure to come by and get your student's meals for the week! First day of this service is November 30th!

Today, the Board of Directors for the Kansas State High School Activities Association held a special meeting to determine additions and revisions to regulations for the winter sports season. The new developments as it pertains to MDCV JH/HS basketball is as follows:
-No practices December 23 - January 3
-No competitions December 23 - January 7
-No spectators December 1 - January 28
Currently, with games postponed due to the temporary move to remote learning, and with the limited turnaround time for our athletes to prepare for competition, MDCV is not competing in any games before winter break. However, practices will resume upon our return.
Rescheduling of games affected by the KSHSAA decision and the temporary move to remote learning is currently ongoing. New dates of rescheduled games will be posted as soon as possible.
We will do everything we can to make sure our students have an opportunity to compete this season.

Happy Online Learning day today MdCV Students! Please remember that the JH/HS is taking attendance for each class period, and the elementary is taking attendance during their check ins each morning. Please call the office if your student is not going to be able to make it for any class periods, or the day, due to an appointment or parent request.
Thank you & Have a Relaxing & Safe Thanksgiving Break!

REMINDER: Drive-thru food service for students will be provided tomorrow, Nov. 24, from 11:30am to 12:00pm at both buildings. Details on food service for the coming weeks will be shared later this week. Come on by tomorrow to get your student a breakfast and lunch!

JH/HS Parents - if your student was absent today, items have been bagged and are ready to be picked up today, November 23rd, until 4pm, or tomorrow, November 24th, from 8am to 4pm. Questions? Call us at 785-549-3313. Remote learning begins tomorrow, Tuesday, November 24th, and attendance will be taken. Students are to review email and Google Classroom for instructions.

Elementary Parents -
The following is a list of times scheduled for a family member to come and pick up their personal supplies, and a packet of information. Please come to the front door to pick up your items.
If a family has multiple students, the time for them to pick up is during their oldest child's time.
If this time does not work, please call the school 785-759-3512
or Ms. Wollenberg at 785-640-5646.

Osage Co. Sheriff's Office, Osage Co. First Responders, & Osage Co. Fire Districts are partnering up to Collect Toys for Christmas for Kids!
With Monday, Nov. 23rd being the last day that school is in session for this Toy Drive, we will have the collection box outside the commons during food distribution pick ups during the week of Nov. 30th through Dec. 4th.
There are several other locations if you miss sending your items to the school: Osage Co. Fire Departments (including Melvern, Lyndon, & Osage), Osage Co. Sheriff's Office, Local Businesses: Dollar Generals, Ann's Diner, Quenemo City Hall to name just a few.
Toys will be collected until Fri., Dec. 4th.

Congratulations to Wyatt Lingenfelter and Cole Lacey on their Lyon County League football honors! Go Trojans!

We apologize, a previously scheduled post was made this morning about tonight's CANCELLED Junior High Basketball game against Burlingame. To clarify, tonight's game has been cancelled. We regret the miscommunication.

Planning for remote learning will be continual during these initial days and information will be directly shared from either building principals or your child's classroom teacher as it is developed, but it is important to note the general Remote Learning Plan specifics. Attached are the components for remote learning within the district and what is expected from teachers, students, parents, and the district. Please continue to monitor the district's modes of communication for future information. We look forward to working with you on creating a setup that will be conducive for success with your student.

SCHEDULE CHANGE: USD 456 has made the decision to temporarily transition to remote learning for all students PK-12. Please follow the link for all pertinent details: https://www.mdcv.org/article/353891?org=mdcv

NEWS: Today, USD 456 was notified that a student at the JH/HS building has tested positive for COVID-19. In consultation with the Osage County Health Department, individuals who have been deemed a close contact while at school have been quarantined. Parents/guardians of those students quarantined have been contacted directly by school administration and will receive further guidance from OCHD. USD 456 continues to encourage students, parents, and staff to stay vigilant about their health, stay home when symptomatic, mask up when in public, and maintain appropriate hygiene during the course of the day. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.