This Weeks MdCV Athletic Schedule
UPDATE: There will be no JV FB game tomorrow
JH Athletics Results vs Hartford
We have a menu change at the elementary school for next Monday. We will be having a BBQ Rib on Bun instead of Pulled Pork on Bun.
Friday is the last day for donations for the 4th Grade's book drive. If you have any questions please contact Judy Lacey at or call the elementary school to speak to her 785-759-3512.
Today is early release!! Students will be dismissed at 12:30 today. If you need to change what your child does after school, including who is picking them up, please call your child's school ASAP. Elementary - 785-759-3512 or JH/HS - 785-549- 3313
UPDATE: Fall sports pictures has been rescheduled to be taken on Thursday September 15th
September 7, tomorrow, is our first early release day. Students will be dismissed at 12:30, bus riders will be home 3 hours earlier. If you need to change your child's after school routine please call the school office. Elementary - 785-759-3512 or JH/HS - 785-549- 3313
HS VB Gameday
Student section theme for tomorrow nights HS VB games!
This weeks athletic schedule at MdCV
During today's JH/HS pep rally, a new tradition was established amongst students - the Marais des Cygnes Valley High School alma mater. Sung to the tune of Cornell University's "Alma Mater," written in 1870, MDCV's alma mater serves to provide a theme for students to sing, expressing pride and enthusiasm for their school. We are excited to have our students learn this new song and begin a tradition that can stand the test of time!
Stormont Vail Health is once again hosting their Sports Injury Clinic for all area high school athletes. No appointment necessary. Open this Saturday from 8 to 10 a.m. Please enter through the west doors and proceed to the 2nd floor. 2660 SW Third St.
HS FB Gameday!
JH VB/FB results from Olpe
Happy September! Our menus are available on our website and the app under the dining tab. If you would like to print a copy of the elementary menu -, for the JH/HS menu -
The volleyball teams are selling Pink Out shirts with profits going to the Susan G. Koman foundation. You can order from any volleyball player or contact Coach Criqui at or Coach Lingenfelter at
UPDATE ALERT: ***WE ARE having a JH FB game tonight @ Olpe. This will be a 6 man game.
Schedule for tonight at Olpe:
5:00pm - JH VB
6:30pm - JH FB (6 man)