For many years, the Kansas Masonic Literacy Center has supported language learning in schools throughout Coffey, Lyon and Osage counties in the form of school district grants. Specifically at Marais des Cygnes Valley, our elementary building has received funds to support our summer literacy program and our after-school program. These programs provide additional learning opportunities for our students, extending our ability to provide an exemplary education.
This week, Marais des Cygnes Valley received notification that KMLC will be continuing their support of our programs for the coming school year, but will also be sending along an additional grant in the amount of $31,000! These funds are aimed at assisting the school district in regards to challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and the negative effects on the progress of our future students towards kindergarten readiness.
In the coming weeks, Marais des Cygnes Valley will be devising a plan on how to utilize these funds and address issues facing our community in regards to future students' kindergarten readiness. MDCV Elementary and the school district is incredibly grateful for the continued support from the Kansas Masonic Literacy Center and thankful for the additional funds that will greatly benefit our students for years to come.
Information about the Kansas Masonic Literacy Center can be found HERE.